Monday, February 28, 2011

Chapter 6 – Year 5

Chapter 6 – Year 5
This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book Click here.

The population has increased over the years and now includes Star – the five year old male we met in the last chapter, and the twins Dawn and Eve, who are about 4. Sun has given birth to another male who is not identified in this chapter. Trying to catch the harmony of the environment was important, as Adam male and Adam Sun were really the embodiment of love and light together. They work together, laugh together, love together and reproduce together. Everything is balanced and in harmony.

Now it is time for a new dimension to enter the picture. Adam discovers another female who has been wounded and he brings her back to their clearing. This Adam is known as Wind and is the first meeting of the other Adam creations Satari and Domatarious mentioned earlier. While she is alone, she is pregnant, which causes Adam and Sun to wonder where the mate may be. This meeting is a step toward either larger harmony or major disharmony. Wind is hesitant in meeting, and very cautious about Adam male. We sense that there may have been some disharmony between Wind and her mate, but will explore this later.

The other main character in the chapter is Eve. Dawn and Eve are twins, but Eve seems to be more sensitive and intuitive to the things around her. We discover that she is in communication with Domatarious and he has been instructing her about the different aspects of her world and provides a quiet subtle guidance for her understanding.

Personally, I do believe that God (or the God of all Good Things) is constantly involved in the work of the creation. I can’t believe that there is a God who sits on a throne and brings either blessing or curse to the creation. It is just too Greek Myth for me. But I do see an ultimate power that orchestrates all life toward some magnificent and wonderful conclusion. The journey on earth is just part of our eternal journey, but it is a place to truly understand the power of love and how it works. I believe that each of us is able to have direction and communication form God, but we simply ignore or miss these interactions. This will be d4eveloped as the book unfolds.

This chapters last line was a place I had to stop and ponder when I wrote it “Time is a measure that limits understanding.” What did Domatarious mean by that? My only thought was the magnificence of thinking without boundaries. If I am eternal, what impact does time rally have on me? What are your thoughts on this? How do you see the creation and the creator?

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 5 - year 2

Chapter 5 - year 2

This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book Click here.

The female, now know as Adam Sun, finally has her desire fulfilled. She and Adam have produced a male child known as Star. Unlike the biblical account of Adam and Eve, who produced the conflicted brothers know as Cain and Able, I chose to let this Adam develop slowly with a single offspring. I spent a lot of time thinking about how those early days would have been spent as the Adam’s explored the creation together. They were obviously curious about things around them, and with the advent of fire in the previous chapter, were now prepared to “civilize” their surroundings.

The conversation we catch in this part of the story is the natural curiosity about other Adams being created. They confuse the echo off the mountain as a possible other Adam, but don’t really dwell on the possibility of other Adams being out in the earth. To me this is the place of contentment. There are always things in our life that show us our limited understanding, but these things are not to be feared, they are simply a place of awe. The idea that there are others out in the universe who are similar to humans is not a frightening thing, it is simply a place of awe. Our internal conflicts with life come when we believe we should understand and control all that is going on around us. How futile is that thought. Contentment is truly living within the moment and knowing it is all good.

As they leave the mountain, a voice which is not an echo cries out “I am Adam”. In their journey they don’t hear the voice, but are simply filled with the happiness of being together. If they missed the opportunity to hear the voice, it is not important, for in time, all things work together for good. That is the life of contentment.

Are you content today or are you striving for happiness. Remember, happiness happens periodically, but is never permanent. I can be unhappy for the moment, but still content with the journey, for it is larger than my understanding.

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Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 4, Year 1 – Understanding.

Chapter 4, Year 1 – Understanding.

This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book Click here.

While this is one of the shortest chapters in the book, it is essential information for the new creation. Adam male and Adam female (who is now called Adam Sun) are taught the reality of core emotions in life. The beginning of the lessons about the “Law of Light” is found in the ability to trust. The GPS of trust are the emotions of joy and fear. As Dom explains to the Adam’s, “When you think things that don’t bring you joy, stop and think them over again.”

How many thoughts do we have in any given day that take us into a place of fear, anger, depression, etc. Joy is the ability to function in any circumstance and know that life is good. To many people, this seems almost childlike simplicity. How can we feel joy when the pain of life becomes so intense. To me, it depends on our eternal perspective. This is an 80 year pause in our eternal journey. No matter what happens in this 80 year journey on earth, it is only a piece of the total plan. Further, because we become so obsessed with the 80 year journey, we become “possessive” of the things that we accumulate. The shadow of life would want us to focus on our possessions and our own strength. The power of light declares we are all one and cannot ever truly posses things or people around us. Just ask someone who is dead; they will tell you how much “stuff” they took with them when they left earth.

Joy and love are the key emotions of life. They come from trusting in the goodness of life. Fear and anger come from trusting in our own strength.

How do you maintain joy in your journey? How has fear blocked the joy of life? Share your thoughts with all of us so we may journey together.

Place a comment on the page below or email me at Join our blog by becoming a follower in the box to the left.

Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a  copy of the book contact Click here.

The new creations for the earth are eight female humans who walk only in the knowledge of light. They are all known as the species of Adam and while separated from each other at various locations, are near enough that they will be able to find each other if they search.

The eight males of the species are remnants from the first creation and are a reflection of both light and shadow.

The first of the species we meet is the female Adam in the garden area near Domatarious and Satari. By nature she is innocent and childlike, but very curious. She is at peace with her world and one with the animals and life that surround her. The introduction of the female Adam was somewhat difficult to write because she lacks sophistication, yet is filled with great wisdom. Her best friend is the leopard Sumba, who she sleeps and plays with on a regular basis. Sumba’s ability to reproduce is a frustration for Adam as she has not discovered how to accomplish this herself.

I tried to feel the innocence of Adam and portray what it must be like to walk in such trust. In all honesty, it was almost impossible to truly capture  that level of trust and security. That discovery truly made me sad, for it is a statement of the loss to which we humans have deteriorated .
Adam’s healing with the dog Wellna is an outflow of the trust she has in the goodness of life. Her belief is that whatever is broken can be fixed, because everything in life works in harmony. When you see how magnificent the human body is, and how it is designed to heal itself when properly cared for, the ability to pass on healing seems like a reasonable expectation. Stress, anger, poor diet, anxiety, worry, etc. are all deterrents to healing. Imagine if we lived without these negative shadows in our life, how much longer would we live and how much healthier would we be.

Satari then introduces Domatarious to the male Adam, who is more detached and less trusting than the female. He is territorial and possessive about the world he has created. He competes with the animals in many ways, and starts to heard sheep in his field rather than let them run wild. Are these instincts the impact of the shadow or just wise use of the environment. Somehow, when we begin to look at the world around us as something we can possess, we lose our sense of awe at the provision given to us.

 If I possess something, then am I really one with it. This is the first cry of the ego. It is that thought of having more, being better, and being separate that causes conflict in a beautiful creation. Do I really posses anything, or have I simply accumulated another thing that will not give me peace. What really is the benefit of accumulation. There are benefits, but I would like to hear your thoughts. The Adam male and Adam female are different, yet they are truly one. This will be tested when next they meet.

What are your experiences with ego understanding vs. spiritual insight? Place a comment on the page below or email me at Join our blog by becoming a follower in the box to the left.
Talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 3 – Year 1

Chapter 3 – Year 1

This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book Click here.

Imagine what it might feel like to suddenly come upon someone just like yourself, when all you have known are animals. While Dom and Satari had informed both the male and female Adams of other existence, nothing can prepare a person for such a confrontation. In the fast pace of modern life, we have lost the ability to really appreciate the beauty of each other. We either take people for granted, become annoyed at their interference in our life, or admire them for some selfish need.

Adam male and Adam female meet with a sense that this new person in their life is important and unique. While cautious, they begin to explore both their emotional and physical makeup. Obviously, the sexual differences are a curiosity and they are drawn to each other because of their differences, yet feel safe because of their similarities.

The moment of passion between the male and female Adam is a very important part of the new creation. The myths of the creation tell us that Adam and Eve were naked and were not ashamed. After the “fall” they covered their nakedness. How sad. I’m not promoting a society of nudist, but how sad it is to lose track of the beauty of God’s creation because of a sense of shame and guilt. As a therapist, I see so many couples who simply lost the ability to appreciate each other physically. Love is an expression of spirit, soul and body. Adam male express this when he says “I have seen my friends in the forest come together like this and from it they made new lives. However this is more than just making new life.”

The ability to appreciate the beauty and passion of sexual expression is lost in a maze of social and religious perspectives. How wonderful if we could go back to worshiping God by appreciating the beauty of his creation in all aspects of life.

As Adam males says, “Satari tells me the sun gives life to this world, so to me you are Sun. To me you are Adam Sun and I am happy to be with you.” With this, he kissed her shoulder and then their lips met once more and they embraced as the warmth of the day shared the newfound warmth of their souls. Tears came to her eyes as she said, “I am Adam Sun, and I am happy.”

What are your thoughts about sexuality and spiritual insight? Place a comment on the page below or email me at Join our blog by becoming a follower in the box tot he left.

Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chapter 2

The New Creation
This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a  copy of the book contact Click here.

Satari tells Domatarious about the new creations known as Adam. She explains that a remnant of the old creation remains which will be integrated into the new earth. However, the new creation is a gift from the God of All Good Things and is pure light.

Many ask about the reference to “God of All Good Things” and question if there is a god of all bad things. To me there is only one force in the universe that fits the description of “God” and that "God" is “All Good”. The emphasis of “God of All Good Things” is designed to draw attention to the concept that all creation is good. Religion seems to want to find fault with everything and bring its followers into fear and darkness. The concept of a creator who only creates “All Good Things” is an important part of the entire story. The concept of “Shadow” which constantly plagues the new creation is not something bad, it is just another aspect of good.

In my office I have several shadows, because I have several different lights turned on as I sit here. The only reason that the shadow exists is because of the light being turned on in the office. If I want to remove the shadow, I simply turn on more and more light. If I turned off all the lights, and immersed the office in total darkness, then it would appear that shadow won. However, If I light a match, then the shadow will retreat. There is never enough darkness to put out light.

The goodness of creation is the availability of opposites that balance each other. Shadow and light balance each other, but in total harmony, light is the power. The creation reflects opposites in “right and left”, “up and down”, “male and female”. Etc. These are opposite, but not separate. Together they reflect the totality of creation. Thus, as we journey into the new creation known as Adam, we are introduced to the first Adam, and she is wonderful.

Reflect on how you see life. Is your thinking separate or harmonious? We will have differences, but not separation. That is the joy of the journey. Let me know your thoughts, for they are part of our journey together. Place a comment on the page below or email me at Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Earth 1 = failure

This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book contact Click here.

Domatarious's eternal side-kick shows up early in the book. Satari is the feminine side of the creative process, demonstrating a greater expression of sensitivity and feeling. In any creative process, in order to express perfection, it is necessary to have the masculine and feminine in harmony. This concept is an integral part of the development of the new Adam's.

Satari brings Domatarious up to date about the failure of the first creation to move beyond self preservation, the root of all animal instinct. She explains that the new creation never got out of their shadow and thus missed the power of light. Shadow is at the core of our human problems, as it is a reflection of the insecurity of our ego. The ego is an evaluative part of the human experience that analyses data and provides insight based upon past experience. If I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, I will have a negative ego reaction to dogs as an adult, for that is my data base. If I want to get over this fear, then I have to consciously offset the voice of the ego. It is like spell-check on a computer, if I spell "jenk" on my computer, it flashes red, indicating it is misspelled. If "jenk" is a word I want to use, I have to change the data in my computer's spell-check so the word will not be flagged.

Satari explains that the original creation never got into a place where they could go beyond ego and enter into light, which is a spiritual place of truth and understanding is not limited by three dimensional experience. Dr. Wayne Dyer states that EGO stands for Edging God Out. I think that is a good place to begin understanding of the Adam creation. Light = Putting God In. Shadow = Edging God Out.

What are your experiences with ego understanding vs. spiritual insight? Place a comment on the page below or email me at Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When I Am Adam was published, the one question that kept coming up was, "Who is Domatarious"? I've been told I was communing with spirit guides and that action, depending on who I was talking with at the time, was either wonderful or terrible.

In all honesty, Domatarious came to me as a guiding character when I began to write Chapter 1. My thought was to portray how a creation existed on earth prior to the human species and how it failed to complete the objective of propagation. The character of Domatarious appeared in the first chapter and never retreated. As I spent more time with Domatarious I began to think of him as very real part of my journey. This became an even greater relationship experience as I wrote the sequel to I Am Adam, "The Light and the Shadow", which is another Domatarious book.

For the purpose of this blog's excursions, let's just say he is a strong expression of some spiritual insights. Much like Neale Donald Walsch's experience in his books "Conversations with God", I will let you draw your own conclusions. I do ask that you not speak negatively about my journey unless you speak it directly to me here in the blog. I am not offended by opinions, but I do like to listen to others opinions and exchange my opinions in the same manner. Besides, in ten years we will probably all change our opinions somewhat, so why take them so personally. As for me, I just like Light more than Shadow.

Which is a cleaver way to take us to the core thought in I Am Adam :  the Law of the Power of Love and Light. The essence of this "law" is simple: there is not enough shadow in the universe to put out light, but whenever light comes forward, shadow will always disappear. Thus, if we continue to think and dwell in negativity (Shadow), it will produce more negativity. However, if we begin to think positive (Light) then the negative will begin to disappear.

This basic formula impacts every aspect of life, for the creative premise of all life is found in the power of sowing and reaping. If you sow positive, you will harvest positive and vice versa. Call it Karma, Law of Attraction, bread on the waters, or the law of physics "for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction"; the principle is the same.

 The book called the "Secret" was not really about a secret, as every major religion demonstrates some component of sowing and reaping. If you plant beans in your garden, don't be upset if corn doesn't grow; what you sow is what you reap.
Give us your thoughts on this. Ever have Light disperse Shadow? Do you agree with the concept? Have you had a spiritual or mystical experience that transformed your thoughts? What does "Sowing and Reaping" mean in your life? Place a comment on the page below or email me at Let's talk about this together and see what harmony we can find in our diversity. You can also join us at our blog Relationships and Romance: Some continuing thoughts.