Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter 14 -Year 33

This is the continuing blog about the book I Am Adam by J.T.Twerell. For a copy of the book Click here.

Love moves to one more generation. Sunna, now around 13 discovers the son of Adam Fish. Sun, in her eternal place with Dom, requested to return to earth and be with someone who was not as open to the Power of Love and Light. She then returned to earth as the life force within Sunna and now comes in contact with Fire, the rather stubborn son of Adam Fish.

To me, the purpose of our journey on earth is to discover the depth of the Love of God for his creation. In our journey, we encounter hardship and difficulty so we have opportunity to trust in the Love of God. If we succeed in this, we will learn a deeper lesson in our soul and enjoy the fruit os success. If we fail, and trust only in our own understanding, then we will miss the opportunity to see the love of God in action. However, I sincerely believe that we will discover that missed reality at our human death, and that lesson will become part of our souls journey. 

Sunna and Fire interact on the beach, and each shows the depth of their environmental training. Sunna, guided by Eve and Adam's love and understanding, shows confidence in her own abilities and is not intimidated by Fire's challenge. Fire on the other hand, reflects the insecurity and mistrust of Adam Fish. Insecurity about life forces a person to develop strong rules and regulations, and Adam Fish has instilled both the rules and the insecurity in Fire.

The prayers of the people have gone forth asking for Adam Fish to be reconciled to the family. Now Sunna and Fire have an opportunity to reach across the gap and possibly make a new start. There is risk in letting the relationship grow, but risk is the price of success.

Are you facing risk today that may distract you from the potential of success? Where are the eyes of your soul? Share your thoughts in the comment section below or Email me at For audio of the book, click here